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Who We Are


It is Well International, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), not for profit organization dedicated to aid individuals in need, internationally, in several specific ways.  

Our Mission


Our mission is to:


  • Drill fresh water wells, fish ponds, cisterns, irrigation wells/ponds and water filtration systems to provide potable water sources to disadvantaged persons around the world

  • Provide clean, pure, healthy drinking water to prevent waterborne disease and death.  

  • Distribute mosquito nets and clean water filters to disadvantaged persons

  • Train and mentor ministers, youth and adults vocationally and spiritually


Please check out our video from our friends in Uganda


A Recent Project

A Borehole Well in Nashibiso Village, Bukasakya Sub County in Mbale District, Uganda, Africa


A new well in the village at a program called Hope City.  This is a place where women can learn a trade to support their families.


Click HERE to donate for future projects!

Hope City Uganda
Hope City Ugand Dave with the kids
Village Elder with Video
Garbong drawing water
the boy with the orange bucket
women and children
Women at the Water
Well for the Village
Dave Walker with the people of Mbala
spring up oh well
prisoners gathering water
Digging Shallow Well at Mphameya
Carol Sudzak at Matupa, Malawi, Africa
Rehab at Nangweka Primary School
Matupa Village Shallow Well Complete
Gilberti well local mason
Makwinja Sallow Well
Makwinja Village Well Being Used
Matupa Shallow Well
Matupa Village Pump Installation
Gilberti Village Pump Installation
Goshen's Blessing
Goshen's Blessing Start
Goshen's Blessing 4
Goshen's Blessing 3
Goshen's Blessing 2
It Is Well International 6
Pastor Robert's Wife Grace Goshen's Blessing
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